Below are a list of the shows some of us
are interested in seeing while in Gatlinburg.

Anyone interested in seeing any of the shows,
please email me and I will add your name to the list.
You will be contacted via email or
a post will be made in grannies with the price and
date information.

When the money is due you will be instructed
where to send your check to pay for the tickets.

ticket prices:
Regular rate $41.64/person
Group rate (30+ persons) $29.69/person
(That's a savings of $11.95/person!!! Wow!!!)

Reservations for the tickets have been made for
Sept. 25th at 6pm at the group rate above.

Glo, Dennis, Denny
Wayne, Caro
Amelia, Sally
Barb, George
Carol, Dave
Shirlene, Mary, Sue
Joan B.
Mary Jane, Wes
Di, Jim
Judy (FL), Arlene
Darlene, Suan
Sarah, Peg
MaryLynn, Lonnie
Judy, Larry


The deadline to sign up for the group rate has passed.
Anyone else that would like to join us at the Dixie Stampede
will have to purchase tickets at the regular rate on their own.

Monday Drawing List by the MB

ticket prices:
Regular rate $17.31/person
Group rate (20+ persons) $15.14/person
(A savings of $2.17/person!)

Glo, Dennis, Denny
Barb, George
Sammy, Betty
Shirlene, Mary, Sue
Joan B.
Di, Jim
Wayne, Caro
Judy (FL), Arlene